Something you don't get in the more northern regions. And yes, I consider Georgia the North. :P
Real flour tortillas.
Where I am from, they are the freaking lifeblood.
I refuse to buy store brands. They all taste so unbelievably gross to me. No matter how many of them say "authentic" I know it's a lie! If you don't believe me, look at the ingredients. What is up with all that weird crap in there!?!?
I can't help it, the standard was set when I was a baby.
It's one of the things I remember most about my grandmother Mama Go. I remember sitting in my highchair (I have a good memory!) watching her make fresh tortillas and empanadas filled with jelly or pumpkin. I also remember her spreading butter, sugar and brown sugar on a warm flour tortilla, rolling it up and feeding in to me. Yikes, not the greatest thing to feed a kid I guess. Seriously though, ya'll should try that sometime, it's really good. >_>
Ok so here's the deal, people. Don't buy into that store bought crap anymore! Real, delicious tortillas are easy to make. You already have all the ingredients!
Traditional recipes use lard, but seriously, that is gross. Nobody should eat that. Vegetable shortening or canola oil does just fine. Most people are moving away from lard anyway because is more expensive... and gross.
You need:
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup shortening or canola oil
2-3 tablespoons vegan margarine, melted
3/4 cups hot water
Clean hands!
Mix the flour and salt.
Add the oil/shortening and butter and mix. It should be a crumbly mix if you're using shortening.
Next, add the water.
Knead it until mixed, but don't over work it!
Once it's a nice, smooth ball of dough, cover it and let it rest for about an hour. If you are extremely impatient, you can cut this time, but it is better to let it rest!
When the hour of intense waiting is over, roll the dough into 14 or so balls.
Cover them with a moist towel and set them for 10 minutes. You can take this time to prepare your surface and lightly flour it!
Get out your rolling pin, or whatever you plan on using to roll out your dough. Roll them very thin. Maybe like 7-8 inches wide?
Heat your skillet to medium heat.
Heating time will vary, but more or less, heat on each side for 1 min. When you see it bubble, it is time to flip!
Now, I recommend a tortilla warmer. Really. It keeps the tortillas warm and prevents them from hardening up. If you don't have one, use a towel.
There is no excuse for shitty tortillas, people! It's a crime!
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